Residential Construction Gives Edmonton A Financial and Housing Boost

Edmonton has seen a rise in jobs according to a recent study detailed in an article. The increase in available jobs is credited to the 15.1 billion dollars received from residential construction and renovation jobs.

During 2012, numerous employment opportunities were created to complete work in the construction industry, including 48,000 Alberta direct positions, 22,600 province indirect jobs and 21,800 in other Canadian locations.

The boost in the economy has allowed the residents to move forward in a positive light. The more than 15 billion dollars spent on residential construction has become a leader in economical boost over typical oilsands projects.

The average weekly pay for the construction and renovation work in 2012 was $1,301, which is much more than all other industries in Alberta that brought in earnings on average of $1,146. Edmonton alone saw an increase of 17,200 jobs with an overall total payout of 5.6 billion last year.

One can’t overlook the benefit the residential construction boom has played for homebuyers. Now there are plenty of chances to purchase brand new, dream homes at affordable prices. Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation is already seeing that builders are ahead this year. What that means for Edmonton? More jobs, more housing opportunities and a better economy.

To read the full article in the Edmonton Journal, click here

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