How Landscaping Can Help Sell Your Home

Ladnscaping If you are planning to put your home on the market, you probably have begun to make a list of repairs and renovations to make before it’s ready to be shown to home-buying hopefuls. Proper maintenance and freshening up the inside of your home are quality investments to make but it is the curb appeal that you should direct a significant portion of your efforts to.

Studies show that a well-maintained yard can increase your home’s value by ten percent. With the help of home and garden experts, we have compiled some simple tips on how to give potential buyers incentive to step inside your house and make you an offer.
Mulch, mulch, mulch – If you neglect any other ideas for sprucing up your yard, at least spread a fresh coat of mulch to your property! A renewed layer of mulch alone exudes attractiveness and enhances the look of your landscape. No flower beds are complete without the brilliant color of mulch!

Prune overgrown shrubbery – Grab your pruning shears or clippers and give the overgrown brush a haircut. Prospective home buyers are less apt to explore your house if the landscape appears neglected, despite how gorgeous the space looks inside. You’ll be surprised what a little snipping can do for your curb appeal.

Pops of color – A flat of seasonal annuals are relatively inexpensive and will really add the missing piece to your property puzzle. Regardless of the season, there are various flowers and plants you can purchase to give your beds a little something extra. This is also a great time to add some potted displays or hanging baskets. These additions make great entrance and exit focal pieces.

If you follow through with these small but effective maintenance tips, you can be sure your home won’t be on the market too long. If you have any other tips for sprucing up your curb appeal, let us know in the comments below!

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