Tips for Staging the Exterior of Your Home

Unlike the TV show Star Trek, we don’t (yet) have the ability to “beam” our bodies from one room in one place to another room in another place, so what does that mean for real estate sales? It means buyers get their first impression of your house by looking at the outside, usually from the […]

Why You Should Stage Your Home Before Showing It

When homeowners decide to put their home on the market, there are many considerations that must be taken in to account before going through with such a monumental decision. As such, it’s understandable that something like staging your home for prospective buyers could lost in the shuffle of your things to do. However, there are […]

Signs that Your Home Might be Overpriced

If you were to go to real estate school, you’d learn that the price of a home really comes down to this: what are people willing to pay for it? Many factors go into the pricing of homes, from what owners think they should get to the prices other similar homes in the area are […]

The Importance of Having Quality Listing Photos

The adage “a picture is worth a thousand words” refers to the idea that you can convey a complex idea with a single still image. For instance, someone could spend an hour telling you about a house over the phone, using descriptive words. But if you see a quality photo of that house, you’ll have […]

How Landscaping Can Help Sell Your Home

If you are planning to put your home on the market, you probably have begun to make a list of repairs and renovations to make before it’s ready to be shown to home-buying hopefuls. Proper maintenance and freshening up the inside of your home are quality investments to make but it is the curb appeal […]

The Benefits of Buying a Home When It’s Cold and Snowy

If you asked the average person the month they first listed their home for sale, they’d typically say April or May. In addition, the prime time for people to move into their new place is often July and August in order to move during the warmer, better weather months. After all, it is easier to […]

Tips For Passing Your Home Inspection

Thinking of selling your home in the Edmonton area? It’s a wise move to have a home inspector come check your place, professionally, before you list it to sell. It’s better to have your home inspected and repaired before you sell it, rather than having prospective buyers “discover” problems that may turn them off from […]

Which Home Renovations are the Best Investments?

When done correctly, home renovations can provide homeowners with both short and long-term benefits. In the short term, homeowners will be able to enjoy the upgrades in their residence on a daily basis.  For example, if you choose to revamp your kitchen, you will surely enjoy the extra space when cooking.  Or you will enjoy […]

Tips For Staging Your Home

One of the most important aspects of selling your home is staging your residence to make a favorable first impression on prospective buyers.  As the old adage goes, “a first impression leaves a lasting impression,” making it somewhat necessary for homeowners to adequately arrange their home for buyers. Leave plenty of space – When it […]