Canada’s Best Places to Live 2011

Moneysense, Canada’s personal finance website, looks at Canada’s Best Places to Live list.  They look at empirical criteriasuch as “housing affordability, incomes, job prospects, crime rates and access to health care.”  The information is taken from the Census Metropolitan Areas, Census Agglomeration and Statistics Canada.  This list includes every community with a population of more […]

Canada Home Sales up from Previous Year

According to The Edmonton Sun, as of last month (Dec. 2011), nationwide home sales in Canada have increased by 2.2% since 2010. Furthermore, new homes on the market have increased. In general, the housing market looks incredible across the country. Edmonton homes are truly a hot commodity, considering the life of the city, access to […]

Rural Alberta to Receive High-Speed Internet

It probably seems a little late for those of us who have had the luxury of high-speed internet since somewhere around 2003, so, for rural living citizens throughout Alberta, the arrival of something other than dial-up will be more than welcomed. Alberta’s government has made a $5 million fund for rural areas around the province […]

Winterproofing Your Edmonton Home

Winter is here, ladies and gentlemen. That means snow, ice, and cold. This season of the year might bring joy to many, but it also brings worry to others: homeowners. Is your home winterproofed? Can cold get in anywhere? Are pipes protected from freezing? Does your generator work? The time has come to address each […]

Economic Facts to Consider Before Moving to Alberta

The government of Alberta Canada recently released a new document detailing the state of Alberta’s economy.  Across the board, Alberta’s economical statistics are improving.  Alberta’s stats are also much better than that of Canada as a whole.  The burgeoning economy of Alberta can be seen in the information below.   The unemployment rate in Alberta is […]

Historically Low Home Prices in Alberta

The Edmonton Journal reported recently that Alberta was not part of the national surge in the prices of Canadian homes. According to the Journal, prices of homes in Canada rose 5.7 – 7.8 percent this year when compared to the same time last year (the 3rd quarter of 2011). More homes were traded in Alberta […]