Slow, Steady, or Booming…Growth is Still Growth

It’s no secret that Edmonton is experiencing a boom of sorts—in population, jobs, and new houses.  2012 has certainly been a good year.  This past Tuesday, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp. released some final numbers for 2012.  As per the Edmonton Journal, “New home starts in the Edmonton census metropolitan area will finish at 12,000 units, up 29 per cent.” Considering varying economic factors, this is a giant number that Edmontonians should take pride in.  The city is growing.  Not many other cities can say the same thing.

The outlook for 2013, however, is not as booming.  The CMHC said, “Sales in 2013 are expected to grow, but at a slower pace.” While some may find this disconcerting, I assure you that it’s not.  Growth is still growth, no matter how slow, steady, or booming it may be.  2012 will go down as a robust and healthy year for Edmonton.  Sometimes when you reach the top, you hit your head against the ceiling and take a step back.

Edmonton is in a great place.  It will continue to grow.  If looking for homes, or homes for sale in Edmonton, look no further than Alexis Hlady.

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As Edmonton’s population continues to grow, so does start of new builds. New home starts sustained its growth like the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation