Re/Max weighs in on Edmonton’s market, and it’s good news

Re/Max, an international real estate company, came out with its 2012 report, and said Edmonton’s real estate market was “quite healthy.”

It’s a moderating trend, slow and steady so to speak, with a report showing that residential sales should improve over 17,500 in 2013. In 2012, sales are expected to finish around the 17,100 range, which is up one per cent from 16,963.

Prices on average continued to climb too, modestly, to $332,000 in 2012, which is up from $325,000 in 2011. In 2013, prices will continue to rise to over the 335,000 mark, despite a projected slowdown from Benjiman  Tal, the deputy chief economist at CIBC.

The report, which can be found here, makes sense. Edmonton is growing in population and its unemployment levels are some of the lowest in Canada. In 2011, the city welcomed more than 10,000 new citizens, with Re/Max stating even more will come to show in 2012.

Moderately rising prices is good news for both buyers and sellers. Sellers see their investments paying off, while buyers aren’t being turned off by inflating home prices, though, new restrictions on mortgages in June has spurred some first-time home buyers in Edmonton.

If looking for homes, or homes for sale in Edmonton, look no further than Alexis Hlady.

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