More jobs — more houses.

It’s simple: More jobs equal a more buyers in the housing market. In a front page story in the Edmonton JoConstruction of multi-family homes in Edmonton is up.

urnal, Bill Mah reports “32 per cent of Edmonton-region employers plan to hire for the third quarter spanning July to September. Only one per cent of employers said they anticipated cutbacks.”

This report comes after a June 8 article in the Journal saying that construction of new builds is up again in Edmonton, especially multi-family homes, which include condominiums. The report by Lewis Kelly said construction on multi-family homes is up 51 per cent during the first five months of 2012 compared to the same time last year.

That’s huge. More jobs, equals more money in the region and more money means more people buying the most valuable asset one can buy, a home. Even multi-family homes create opportunity for a money making venture with rental tenants.

Edmonton, Alberta has been ahead of the pace in terms of recovering from the recession over the rest of North America and this is another positive sign to show that progress. With homes popping up left and right, the time to buy a home is here and the agent to have Alexis Hlady.

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